If you want to get the most out of your car suspension, you should know what is involved in choosing the right shock absorber. It is important to take into consideration the fatigue resistance and hysteresis curve, as well as the viscous damping ratio. A shock absorber that is not designed with this in mind will not be able to adequately provide the kind of shock absorption you need.
Equivalent viscous damping ratio
If a structural system is designed in a direct displacement-based fashion, it is important to estimate the equivalent viscous damping ratio. The EVDR represents the relationship between the stored energy (E) and dissipated energy (Ed). It is calculated using the modified Jacobsen's approach.
The EVDR of a nonlinear linear system is similar to that of an inelastic system. However, it increases with ductility level. The stiffness ratio, k, has a corresponding value of k0,1/kd.

The EVDR values obtained from the various methods did not show a significant difference. Moreover, the EVDR calculated from the developed equations was in good agreement with the spectral displacements obtained from the analyses of nonlinear systems.
Several parameters are considered in assessing the influence of the EVDR. For example, the hysteretic response is evaluated, as well as the effect of friction. This is done through numerical dynamic experiments.
Hysteresis curve
A metal damper for shock absorption is a solid structure made of a piston and non-magnetic flanges. The piston is a cylindrical hydraulic tube that houses a piston rod. As the piston moves, the fluid is separated from the gas chamber.
For a piston-type damper, the most common design is to use a single-tube assembly. This system has a cylindrical rod that is connected to an external power supply and a piston. It is then possible to see the effect of the piston rod and the coil on the damper's response.
There are two different types of MR damper: piston and flow-mode. Both have a piston rod that displaces a floating piston. However, the flow-mode is a more complex design. The flow-mode is designed to control the fluid between the rebound and compression chambers.
Fatigue resistance
The fatigue resistance of metal damper for shock absorption can be evaluated in a number of ways. One such method is the use of a fatigue tester, which is a device designed to detect and display the extrusion force of a particular part in the Z direction.
In the field of fatigue testing, a number of factors must be considered. For example, in the case of shock absorbers, it is important to consider the magnitude of the vibration amplitude in resonance. Moreover, a good energy dissipation capacity is also required.
The yaw damper bracket is a good example. It is a multi-part structure consisting of two pretensioned beam elements and rigid components. Each element is connected with a steel bar, which is separated into three parts.
Coilover shock absorbers
The coilover shock absorber is a suspension component that is commonly used in front and rear suspensions of cars and motorcycles. They are designed to provide the ideal balance between ride and handling.
These devices are generally considered the high-end of the shock absorber world, and can improve the performance of your vehicle. Some may even offer adjustable damping force. If you're not sure which setting to choose, take a test drive. You'll be able to determine which one is most suitable.
Shock absorbers typically consist of a pair of nested tubes containing oil and nitrogen. Oil is pumped through the openings to convert kinetic energy into heat. This process is important because the shock absorber's primary function is damping oscillations of springs.